The tablets below are made with our colored powders in 3 different mixing ratios (1:5, 1:10, 1:15) (color : active ingredients)
One can notice from the picture that the colors are strong and that is due to the fact that almost no color alterations are visible between the 3 mixing ratios. In order to get a lighter colored tablet, you must add less color to the active ingredients.
Green for winstrol tablet
Blue for oxandrolon tablet
Red for dianabol tablet
Starch: 53g 38%
CMS-Na: 20g (inside 10g, outside 10g) 14%
PS 80 1g 0.7%
MgSt 1g 0.7%
MCC 58g(inside 48g/ outside 10g) 39%
PVP(5% aqueous solution) q.s.